James embarked on an journey that began with his enrollment in the Royal Marines in 2015, following his completion of a degree in Computer Graphics at Teesside University. Initially drawn to the world of animation and video games, James chose a different path, one away from a desk, and soon found himself immersed in the demanding duties of military life. Serving predominantly with 40 Commando, he deployed Operation Ruman delivering humanitarian aid to the British Virgin Islands devastated by Hurricane Irma. Additionally, his military career led him to undergo cold weather warfare training in the Arctic Circle and participate in various exercises across the globe.

Amidst the rigors of military service, James discovered a passion for photography and filmmaking, a creative pursuit that he found during his university days. Fuelled by a desire to express himself through visual storytelling, he embraced this newfound passion. As his skills flourished, James found himself at a poignant juncture, where his military service intersected with his artistic aspirations.

Transitioning from the ranks of the Royal Marines, James embarked on a new chapter as a military filmmaker, channeling his experiences and expertise to capture the poignant narratives of his fellow servicemen and women.

Always striving to learn and do bigger and better things, alongside his trusted co-founder, Daniel Shepherd, James embarked on an ambitious endeavor: the creation of “Sunray”. In this groundbreaking project, James assumed a multitude of roles, from writer to director, from producer to cinematographer, editor and graphic designer. “Sunray” stands as a testament to James’s unwavering dedication, his creative ingenuity, and his profound commitment to honoring the stories of those who serve.


“Sunray has been an extraordinary and transformative endeavor. As our inaugural feature film, undertaken without the formal training of a film school, we plunged headfirst into uncharted waters armed only with a concept and an unyielding determination to craft something exceptional. The outpouring of support for the project has been truly overwhelming, and we owe its realization to the unwavering belief of our supporters and the invaluable contributions of everyone involved. Within the Armed Forces lies a wealth of exceptional talent and creativity, fortified by the resilience and values instilled by military service. When this combination converges, it creates an unstoppable creative force. Sunray is ultimately about a veteran harnessing their experiences as a superpower, and the creative process of the film serves as a poignant extension of this, showcasing the therapeutic power of the arts. It has been both an honor and a humbling experience to shed light on mental health through the action-packed narrative of Sunray.”