July Update

Don't worry, we're still here.

It's been a while but Sunray is still very much happening and we are still working hard in the background. So, where are we at? Episode 1 is currently very close to picture lock with a runtime sitting at around 50 minutes (before credits), we aim to have this in place in the next week. What is picture lock? Picture lock is the stage at which we are happy with the final edit, it is how the episode will play out on screen when you guys get to see it - pretty exciting!

After picture lock, the film has to go through several other phases of post-production including soundtrack composition (in progress), visual effects, sound design and colour grading. Episode 1 is already in the hands of our insanely talented composer Tristan Lane Clarke who currently works for Bleeding Fingers Music, a venture co-founded by Hanz Zimmer. This is our first time working with a composer on a project and the effect it has is massive, having a custom scored soundtrack that reacts to the footage on-screen elevates the production value to new heights.

Episode 2 is progressing nicely with a runtime currently sitting at 45 minutes (before credits) with picture lock also expected in the coming weeks. A slightly less kinetic story-driven episode, episode 2 will likely catch up with episode 1 due to fewer visual effects requirements. Tomorrow we will be having a collaborative sit-down viewing of both episodes 1 and 2 to iron out and adjust any final points before progressing to the next phases. Episode 3 is also ticking away in the background but our focus at the moment is on Episode 1 as this will be used as our 'pilot' to sell the series.

We get messages and asked in person on a daily basis where we are at and we will try to be more transparent and post more updates. You guys made this happen and you deserve to know what we are up to. I would like to take this opportunity to put Sunray into perspective, something which I do on a regular basis to remind myself how insane this project is and how proud of it we should all be. Sunray is created by veterans turned filmmakers, we have worked on short films and adverts before but never anything with this scale. We have had insane support and help from many amazing people throughout but ultimately we have shouldered the work of what would normally be undertaken by departments of people from writing, logistics, locations, set design, filming, directing, costume, editing and everything in between. We have taken on this monster alongside our full-time jobs and it's safe to say we have little to no lives outside of work and Sunray at the moment! Sunray doesn't pay the bills for us, everything you donated went right back into the production. We have learned so much through this process.

Finally, since everyone is talking about and watching Stranger Things right now, which is, absolutely phenomenal. Season 4 (for perspective) was shot for a budget of $230,000,000 (230 Million) - Sunray has been created on a budget of £160,000 which is 0.06% of Stranger Things' budget. We appreciate these numbers don't mean a lot and these are two massively different comparisons but we are immensely proud of what we have accomplished for our comparatively extremely low-budget production and we can't wait to share it with you.

Thank you for bearing with us.

Sunray Team




2021 RECAP